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The openmamba development is primary focused in the packaging of the software components (programs, libraries, etc.), from the archives of the source code (normally in tar.gz or tar.bz2 format) that are available on the internet sites that host the source code like sourceforge. The package format choosen is the RPM.

To simplify the job of make the RPM package to the developer, is used a a tool called autospec. It offer a dozen of tasks, that have to be executed sequentially manually or automatically to simplify the build and the upgrade of single packages.

Following the footprints of autospec it has been developed autodist, a tool that has the target of manage automatically a whole repository using autospec in batch mode.

The distro check is made using distromatic, a tool that check the exactness of the dependencies and gives detailed infos on every repository.


Programs to add

Every one is invited to suggest new programs to add to the distro. Is possible to add new programs if they are missing in the main and auxiliary repositories or remove them if they're already added to the distro.

System changes

The list of the changes to be done to the system contains a list of modifies to system components that are scheduled but not already done. Every developer is invited to check that list, to apply the changes he likes and to remove the matching line as soon as the changes are commited to the distro repositoy.

Road map

Here are write the architectural choises that are the fundaments of the new release of openmamba, and eventually the ways and the groups involved in the development.

openmamba milestone 2

The development of the version milestone 2 of openmamba starts just after the release of milestone 1 and it uses the base of the devel repository. After there there are the activity with the community users willing to develop the project.

  • KDE 4: silvan
  • SELinux: to be assigned

Packaging manuals

