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Configure Ndiswrapper

Ndiswrapper is a tool that permit the use of wifi Windows drivers for all that devices that don't have one native.

Install the driver from the menu K -> settings -> Windows Wireless Drivers

Then from a console as root with the command:

     ndiswrapper -l

check if the driver is correctly installed

and with:

    ndiswrapper -m

save and write the config in modprobe.conf;

To load the driver use:

   modprobe ndiswrapper

Now the module is active and the wireless device shall work. To make active the module at system startup automatically, just add "modprobe ndiswrapper" in the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.local:

  # rc.local - This script will be executed at the end of the init process as the
  #            last service and may be modified by the system administrator for its
  #            own purposes. This is a startup script only.
    modprobe ndiswrapper 

by Draker :)